Agents Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Agents Grok 3

How precise is #Grok 3 AI DeepSearch? Very.

I’ve been testing various AI “#DeepSearch” features to reduce the “Time to Knowledge Search,” aiming to streamline the analysis workflow and determine if this task can be reliably offloaded to a Search #AI #Agent.

My focus has been on the precision and quality of the output articulation, as well as the integrity between the statements and their sources (essentially, how well they’re grounded).

Grok 3 passed this test successfully. It marks a significant improvement over the Grok v2 model.

Grok 3’s “unfair advantage” shines when you use it on X—its ability to pull tweets as references is definitely a killer feature. A great majority of news media, businesses, politicians, scientists, and engineers post first on X.

It’s also now available as an independent app (on Apple Store, published by xAI) and website.

What’s your experience with it?

Do you think its “Think” mode outperforms #DeepSeek’s or ChatGPT’s?
