The following is a quick guide explaining how to become acquainted with the world of blockchain, crypto, and web 3.0:
- First, I invite you to start with these videos:
- What is a Blockchain: https://youtu.be/rYQgy8QDEBI
- The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains: https://youtu.be/0UBk1e5qnr4
- What is a Smart Contract: https://youtu.be/ZE2HxTmxfrI
- What is a Stablecoin: https://youtu.be/pGzfexGmuVw
- What is an NFT: https://youtu.be/FkUn86bH34M
- Understand the key concepts of web 3.0 by googling them: Blockchain, Wallet, Cryptocurrency, (crypto) token, Mining, PKI, tokens, Smart Contracts, Dapps, Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), Staking, ICO, ITO, Layer 1/2/3 protocols, transaction fees, consensus, etc.
- Know what are the major Web 3.0 technologies, their differences, and their value propositions like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cardano, Cosmos, Polygon, Hyperledger, IPFS, Storj, Solana, Tether, etc. Not only the network but also the development tooling and the distribution means.
- Understand what new business models, organization models, like DAO, and features the Web 3.0 is bringing with respect to Web 2.0. Then research how Web 2.0 and 3.0 complement each other.
- Select one Blockchain technology and stick to it, in the beginning, to understand how Dapps are being built, distributed, and promoted in the ecosystem. Some of the most popular depending on your areas of interest: Uniswap (DeFi), OpenSea (Digital Art, NFT), Axie Infinity (Gaming), …
- Understand token economics and how it is possible to have such a huge valuation and market capitalization.
- Learn by doing!
- Create either a bitcoin wallet or Ethereum wallet (like Metamask).
- Learn to use blockchain tools like Etherscan and Bitcoin Explorer, to see all Ethereum Blockchain transactions. And now is the time to look up your own wallet!
- Then, you could fund your wallet using the most popular and safest Crypto Trade Exchanges like Kraken, Coindesk, or Crypto.com.
Notice that you can buy cryptocurrencies with Paypal, but you currently cannot transfer them to your own wallet. Paypal is holding bitcoin for you.
- Follow the various companies and foundations expanding the web 3.0 (tech websites, Twitter) to grasp how the ecosystem is expanding. Then, ask yourself how these companies are regulated.
- Interact on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Reddit with knowledgeable people and enthusiasts.
- If you are an IT engineer, start programming with Solidity. I find the Truffle Suite genuinely good to build Smart Contracts and NFTs in an easy way.