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✨ Llama 3.1, Meta and the EU AI Act – Where are the areas of synergy between innovation and regulation?

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Llama 3.1 AI model

Llama 3.1, a 405 Billion parameters model, has just been released by Meta.

It comes with increased performances. Some early tests make it comparable to “GPT4o“.

A few perks:

  • Still #opensource
  • 128K token context window
  • Improved Multilingual Support. Meta is a leader in multilanguage models.
  • Comes with a new security and safety tool for advanced moderation and control mechanisms to ensure safe interactions.
  • Improved capabilities for creating synthetic data.

I find the partner ecosystem, including NVIDIA, Google Cloud, Microsoft, Groq supporting Llama already quite impressive (see picture).

But also…

While the EU AI Act has been officially published on July 12, 2024, in the EU official journal, to come into force on August 2, 2024, Meta made worrisome news for the #artificialintelligence open source community.

In a nutshell, Meta will withhold the rollout of multimodal AI models in the EU region until the regulatory rules are clarified.

The EU AI Act contains explicit rules for foundation models, also known as “general-purpose AI models”, amongst the following:

  • Article 51: Classification of general-purpose AI models as general-purpose #AI models with systemic risk
  • Article 53: Obligations for providers of general-purpose AI models
  • Article 55: Obligations for providers of general-purpose AI models with systemic risk
  • Article 56: Codes of practice

Let’s hope we will find a way to balance #innovation and #regulation.


Technology Artificial Intelligence Business Innovation personal development Questioning Self development Wisdom

The Art of Questioning: How One Well-Crafted Question Can Significantly Improve Your Life (and Everyone Around You)

“There is no dumb question, only dumb answers”

This is what my teacher told me when I was in primary school. This simple yet powerful sentence cancelled my fear of looking stupid when asking questions whenever I felt the need to.

Today, in my leadership position, I regularly ask questions for various reasons. The primary motive is that leading within the realm of excellence requires understanding the situation and bridging it with objectives you must reach. Then, it is about delivering a simple message, built on the why, how and what so that your peers understand the mission and have all the elements to make it happen. Everything happens for a reason, my responsibility lies in exposing the reason, taking decisions, and consequently triggering actions.

The second motive is that I need to understand the depth of systems and I simply LOVE acquiring knowledge. This fuels my motivation. It is like filling an endless toolbox that helps me to invent, build, compose, and innovate. I guess it is the scientist and the engineer parts in me. And I am still curious about life as a 4-year-old kid. All innovation starts with the same question: ‘How do we solve this problem?’ This question launches startups and is the mother of all technological advancements.

The sentence I use the most is « I don’t understand, can you explain, please? ». it is about being aware there are a variety of things to discover, then there are many different points of view, outmatched by ways of thinking. What fascinates me the most is when people share their experiences. I am also conscious that my interlocutor’s sentences and my very own understanding are two sides of the conversation. The point is, that it’s not always smooth communication.

It is about finding the right channel and angle.

It is about finding the right tempo and timing.

In this situation, I use the almighty Question Mark, a weapon created eons ago as powerful as Thoth’s Caduceus.

“I am just a child who has never grown up. I keep asking these ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. Occasionally, I find an answer “

Stephen Hawking

Yes, the question mark, a single-character sign, possesses this power. Just like a math unary operator, it is a linguistic operator that empowers you with multiple abilities. And here they are:

Expanding knowledge by the means of asking a question. The brain has the habit of filling the gaps of ignorance using analytical skills, an association of concepts, and similarities. While it works more often than one thinks, it is inaccurate, even misleading sometimes. By gaining more awareness about this innate mechanism, we tend to cover gaps by following the foundational maxim, “If you don’t know, ask”. The Bible said it in another way “Ask, and thou shalt receive.”.

Assert or confirm a statement by seeking a true or false answer, increasing the force of your internal knowledge system. English has this nice reverse interrogation formulation where the auxiliary and the pronoun are inverted. For example: “The dog was cleaned, wasn’t it?” or “The Internet is the most powerful network, isn’t it?”. Another technique consists of using “be” as a tool for opening the field of possibilities for answers, meaning one can respond by confirming or infirming with a piece of complementary information. For example: “Was it Descartes who once said ‘I think, therefore I am’?”. Here, I tend to see the question mark as an invitation to conclude a contract of trust: my understanding is acknowledged; therefore, I trust your words. 

It forces action through suggestions. When one says “You are going to do it, aren’t you?”, you give that push that will trigger the intended cascade of events.

You can use a question mark to invite someone to do something or join you. For instance, “If you have time, would you like to have dinner tonight?”. This is a gentle way to request someone to do something of their own will.

It demonstrates your genuine interest in what someone is saying or thinking. For example, when someone asks a question during a debate, it constitutes a trigger indicating a need to be filled or a bond to be made. It is also an expression of interest in what she or he could say. In this regard, it is an invitation to participate in the idea exchange.

Did you know your questions are so valuable they have built business behemoths?

In 1997, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google. Interestingly, the original name was “Googol,” but, due to a mistake, the company was registered as “Google.” A googol is a number with a hundred zeros.

Fast forward to today, and Google is the undisputed king of search engines, holding a 91% market share. There are 85 billion queries per month on Google in 2024.

Notably, the second most popular website is YouTube, which also relies on finding the right video based on your searches and attention. Google, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, X, and TikTok all share a common revenue source: advertising. Google popularized keyword bidding for ads: the more directly a keyword is associated with a common search, the more expensive it becomes. That’s how your questions acquire monetary value and become the fuel of social media super-algorithms.

Now that we are talking about money, it reminds me of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. There is a striking example of how the question “How can I buy this house” instead of the affirmation “I cannot buy this house”, shifts the way your brain operates. Asking yourself the right question, rather than making an affirmation, triggers a thinking process that induces self-motivation. Facts are static until they get shaken; questions are the beginning of a story. They represent the spark.

While teaching my children how to use the Internet safely, I have rediscovered the most powerful effect of the question mark: the power to plant the seed of an idea with a drop of water, and the new beginning of the dark ages. It is the rise of click baits and misleading titles in online newspapers that makes me wonder “Why do people click?”, “Why do I want to click?”, “What is the true intention of this article? ». By turning an idea into a question, there is no assertion.  This is a state where neither the truth nor the lie is told but induced. You express your opinion in the most open way possible, and you activate the inner functions of the human psyche. A mind will naturally try to fill gaps whenever information is missing to either decide, lead one toward a goal, or fill a knowledge hole. This process is just an innate mechanism of the brain. You should know that a lot of content is now automatically generated by artificial intelligence, designed to exploit these psychological mechanisms for traffic and revenue or to trap users with malware, which is more harmful. The intent is to hack your mental system. One must be aware of this and should always ask the question « What is the true intent of the authors ». Then, what’s the difference between convincing and manipulating?

If you have yet to see the movie Inception by Christopher Nolan, I highly suggest watching it.

By asking a question, you can present your idea gently and say, « I may be wrong, and I am open to suggestions. Let me tell you what you think ». On the positive side, when the intent is pure, it is a form of expression that is polite and smooth. It reminds me of the precepts of “Nonviolent Communication” by Marshall Rosenberg. On the negative side, you can exploit people’s minds and practice the art of manipulation. 

Questions create cues, which are powerful mechanisms to awaken your mind and provoke a reminder to act or recall a memory. I have discovered that expert project managers use this technique, either willingly or subliminally, to prompt actions and increase the likelihood that the flow of work and cadence stays high among the various actors involved in the project. Sometimes, great achievements are born from seemingly insignificant pushes.

A well-architected set of questions creates a frame of thought. This frame acts as a guide, helping you to build reasoning. This reasoning leads to other questions and decisions. Ultimately, it creates an outcome that you can use, like a design, a plan, or an analysis, learned, or taught. This set is even more powerful than a task list, even though it requires more effort. I used this technique for building the AMASE Product and Service Architecture Canvas.

Beyond questions lies the dynamics of knowledge flows.

For those familiar with hermetic principles, you’ll recognize the profound power of questions. I view questions as channels of feminine energy – not in terms of gender or sex, but as conduits drawing information, knowledge, and wisdom from one place to another. This energy is then transformed into action, thoughts, decisions, or stored as knowledge.

Consequently, speaking the truth and sharing what you know (outside of storytelling contexts) is a principle one should adhere to. To do otherwise risks poisoning minds, as discussed earlier.

Interestingly, as a question receiver, you’re invited to answer or act: essentially, to give energy. Have you ever been in a job interview? That long series of interrogations is exhausting. With this in mind, you’ll understand why the pace and sequence of questioning, followed by active listening, enhances the quality of an interview or conversation.

To push this reflection further, I see wisdom as a higher state of energy that one can maintain effortlessly. Wisdom is a dense ball of useful energy – the accumulated and structured knowledge and know-how – from which one can tap and maximize benefits. The wise can passively nurture and grow this body of wisdom like a supernova. This is the path of the Sage.

TED Talk‘s motto is “Ideas worth spreading.” We’ve discussed how to uncover such ideas, but an equally important question is: how do we spread specific pieces of knowledge that are worth sharing?

Once again, questions are tools. I know an executive who employs this tool skillfully to align their staff and spotlight individuals who deserve recognition, especially in front of other executives. Questions spread easily like ideas because they open mental gates and reposition worldviews by offering new perspectives. The expression “Hmm, I never thought about that” often originates from a well-posed question!

The 2nd dimension of questioning

“I don’t want to be a didactic voice. I like to ask more questions than I answer, just to get people thinking and to make it safe to access art”

Hannah Gadsby

People use a secondary dimension as we speak to fuel the question marks’ superpower: the tone. The tone gives more depth, and more information, to communication.

A tone that ends with a high pitch will induce emptiness, which is to be filled with knowledge

A tone ending with a low pitch will induce completeness almost filled with willpower

It can be warm and calm so that your audience has fertile ground for inner reflection and trigger a deep-thinking process

Another way is to use a more seductive tone to induce something without saying it. Like the previous superpower, it is to be used with genuine intention because it makes people believe something. Therefore, it is better to be true; otherwise, you are just abusing someone’s dreams or weaknesses.

Finally, one can use a more threatening tone. The purpose of this is to express a « one last chance ». Your counterpart is put in the corner, and she or he will have to make a choice, for which the result may be costly if it is the wrong choice. As the former heavyweight boxing champion, Mike Tyson, said: « Everybody has a plan until he gets punched in the face ».

I realized that, like laughter, tone signifies the same meaning in most languages. Perhaps the truth lies here: sound imbued with emotion is the universal language, don’t you think?

To wrap up, the Art of Questioning can be synthesized into five key aspects:

  1. The art of quickly and clearly mapping the realms of the unknown and unclear, while making their boundaries tangible for everyone.
  2. The art of unearthing the truth.
  3. The art of carving an idea to absolute clarity.
  4. The art of guiding, influencing, and (unfortunately) manipulating.
  5. The art of mastering the flow of knowledge.

Can we consider questioning a science? I asked myself this and discovered there is, indeed, a field of research dedicated to ‘questioning,’ as well as a nascent discipline named ‘Questionology.’.

With that, I’ll leave you with one final piece of advice: With practice and curiosity, awareness leads to wisdom. Use the question mark’s power wisely.



Artificial Intelligence Automation Business Business Strategy Engineering Innovation Robots Strategy Technology Technology Strategy

Update on Tesla’s Optimus #Robot – it is progressing fast

Tesla’s Optimus Robot learning from humans

The most impressive part is the technique employed by the Tesla team for accelerating the robot’s dexterity: the robot physically learns from human actions. 

Now, let’s step back and analyse Tesla’s master plan here:

(Putting on my business tech strategy goggles) 

1. Tesla builds electric cars augmented with software programmability.

2. Tesla provides an electric grid as a service.

3. Tesla builds gigafactories that maximize the automation of car manufacturing. Almost every single part of the pipeline is robotized and optimized for speed of production.

4. Tesla builds Powerwalls (by providing energy storage, it also creates a decentralized power station network).

5. Tesla brings autonomous driving (FSD) to Tesla cars. Essentially, cars are now transportation robots governed by the most advanced AI fleet management system.

6. Tesla builds its own chips (FSD Chip and Dojo Chip)

7. Tesla builds its own supercomputers.

8. Tesla launches Optimus, which aims to replace the human workforce in factories and warehouses.

9., which has recently raised $6 billion, X’s supposedly “child” AI company, brings the Grok AI model trained on X/Twitter data. While you may say X data is not the best, X has a algorithm balanced with human judgment (community notes), AND the company regroups the largest set of news publishing companies. Basically, it automates curation and accuracy.

10. A version of the Grok AI model will likely power Optimus’s human-to-robot conversational interface.

11. Tesla cars will be turned into robotaxis, disrupting not only taxi companies but also Uber (the Uber/Tesla partnership may not be a coincidence), and eating into the shares of Lyft and BlaBlaCar.

12. Tesla will enter the general services business, and retail industries to offer multi-purpose usage robots – cleaning services for business offices, grocery stores, filling the workforce shortage in the catering (hotel-restaurant-bar…) industry, etc.

Tesla is not the only one moving in the “Robot Fleet Management” business. Chinese companies like BYD (EV) offer strong competition, and there are several robot startups (like Boston Dynamics and Agility Robotics) racing for the pole position.

#AI #artificialintelligence #Robotics #Optimus #EV #software #EnergyStorage #Automation #powerwall #AutonomousVehicles #FSD #chips #HighPerformanceComputing #Robots #GrokAI #NLP #robotaxis #innovation #WorkforceAutomation

AR/VR Augmented Reality Innovation Mixed Reality Technology UX Virtual Reality

Apple Vision Pro – I Thought I Knew What The Metaverse Would Feel Like. I Couldn’t Be Further From The Truth.

A couple of weeks ago, I received an unusual meeting invite. It said “Test Apple Vision Pro.” I read it twice and jumped at the opportunity. I had been longing to get my hands on an AR/VR device that could make my dream idea – an augmented world (project Vmess platform) – a reality. That day was finally coming.

What better way to cap off an amazing work week at Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) than by getting up close and personal with Apple’s groundbreaking #mixedreality marvel – the #VisionPro? Last Friday, I had the immense privilege of taking this pioneering device for a spin.

Let me be blunt: before trying the Vision Pro, I thought I had a decent idea of what the metaverse experience would be like. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. This isn’t just the future – it’s a portal to parallel universes that shattered my expectations.

The Vision Pro isn’t a smartphone replacement; it represents an entirely new frontier, a mind-bending window into the so call #metaverse. Furthermore, everything is at hands: you pinch to interact. like every Apple creation, it exudes sophistication down to the finest detail. 

The display resolution? Words fail to capture its otherworldly crispness and depth. And we’re not merely talking apps here; these are full-fledged, multi-sensory experiences that transport you to realms you thought only existed in science fiction.

Mark Zuckerberg was certainly onto something with his metaverse vision, but Apple seems poised to leapfrog everyone with this staggering delivery that must be witnessed firsthand. 

My rendezvous with the Vision Pro was more than a tech spectacle, though. It was also a heartwarming reunion with the brilliant minds at Virtual Rangers. Their #VR app portfolio is impressive, but what moved me most was “Roudy’s World” – an experience lovingly crafted to inspire hope and joy in children facing unimaginable adversity.

Immense gratitude to Matthieu Bracchetti and the entire Virtual Rangers crew, along with François Giotto, for making this future-altering experience possible. The metaverse future we yearned for? It’s already here, and it’s far grander than we ever conceived.

#augmentedreality #virtualreality #artificialintelligence #ai #digital #innovation #tech2check #digitalaugmentation